The Great Esape

The Great Esape
Photo by Jedi Equester / Unsplash

A story to practice the vowel sound / ɪ / as in "it".

One day, a brave snake named Jake decided to escape from his cage. He slithered out of the gate and made his way to the lake. He wanted to see what it was like to swim and play in the water. He met a friendly whale named Kay who offered to take him for a ride. Jake was amazed by how big and graceful Kay was. They swam around the lake and saw many fish and birds along the way. Jake had so much fun that he forgot about the time. He realized he had to go back to his cage before his owner came home. He thanked Kay for the ride and said goodbye. He raced back to his cage and got in just in time. He was happy that he had a great escape, but he also missed Kay. He hoped that he would see her again someday.

The Great Escape
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Brave - courageous; not afraid Escape - get away from danger or captivity Cage - a structure in which an animal is kept Slither - move in a smooth, sinuous way, like a snake Lake - a large body of water surrounded by land Swim - move through water using the arms and legs Play - engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation Friendly - kind and pleasant Whale - a large marine mammal with a streamlined body and a blowhole on top of its head Graceful - elegant and dignified in movement Amazed - filled with wonder or astonishment Forgot - lost or dismissed from one's mind Raced - moved or went at a great speed Just - only; exactly Time - a period of indefinite and measurable duration Missed - felt a sense of loss or sorrow at not having Hope - have a desire or expectation for a certain thing to happen Someday - at an unspecified future time

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